Hello there fellow internet peasants!! I see that your surfing has lead you to my filthy, little, cyber island. How wonderful!! :D
I am an independent musician that draws from all sources of inspiration. I adore variety and I cannot accept the thought of an album having one and only ONE kind of genre or musical style on it, (unless it's a concept album or whatever, there are a few exceptions I suppose, but most times it really bugs me.) I love surreal and satirical concepts and they may even branch into what is considered, "Avant-Garde," but I do not see myself as one of those, "Muuuagh. You simply just don't understand it," bastards while someone is banging a pan with a screwdriver. *I'm not saying that is what avant-garde is. Calling something avant-garde just has that connotation at times.*
I don't really think of myself as anything other than a musician, or artist in a more general sense, but others may usually classify me and my content as experimental/psychedelic/alternative rock. Whatever I am, I hope it brings yah ahl sum enjoyment now!! My real goal and passion in life is to bring enjoyment, entertainment, humor, and wonderful music to people's lives. I hopes ya'll liek it. :)